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The Mystery of the Number Three in the Torah and Creation

In the parasha of Yitro, we find the verse from Shemot 19:5, where Hashem tells Israel: "If you listen to My voice and observe My covenant, you will be for Me a treasured possession among all nations." The term "segula" is explained by Rashi as a "special treasure." This concept refers to Israel’s unique role in transmitting monotheism and observing the divine commandments, thereby testifying to the existence of G-d through concrete actions, such as observing Shabbat and dietary laws.

Let us explore the mystical meaning of the word "segula," linking it to Hebrew grammar.
The vowel "Segol" consists of three points, while other vowels, like "Tzere," have only two. According to the Zohar, before the giving of the Torah, Israel was like all other nations, represented by the "Tzere" with two points. With the revelation at Sinai, Israel became a distinct nation, characterized by the "Segol" with three points, which grants it the unique role of representing monotheism in the world by observing the commandments.

The Torah, therefore, becomes the unifying and distinguishing factor, creating a balance between the sacred and the profane, between heaven and earth.

The Number Three: Tikkun and Harmony

The Talmud in Sanhedrin teaches that the world was created for 6,000 years, divided into three phases of 2,000 years each:

  1. 2,000 years of Tou (chaos)
  2. 2,000 years of Torah
  3. 2,000 years of Mashiach

In the period of Tou, each Sefirah existed in absolute isolation. Chesed (kindness) emanated only infinite goodness, without limits, with no capacity to welcome another dimension; Gvurah (severity) was pure severity, pushed to the extreme, without any moderation. No quality united with another; each light shone absolutely and independently, without integration. This imbalance led to Shevirat HaKelim (the breaking of the vessels). Only with the Torah did the world enter into a state of Tikkun, which means to unite. In Tikkun, each Sefirah unites with the other, creating balance and harmony, allowing creation to exist in a stable manner.

The Torah: The Third Element of Balance

Every created reality has two opposite poles:

  • Goodness and severity
  • Right and left
  • Expansion and contraction, etc.

Without a third element to harmonize them, these poles remain in conflict. This is where Tiferet (beauty, harmony) comes into play, the perfect balance between Chesed and Gvurah.

In Vayvarekh David we find this principle:
"Lecha Hashem haGedulah (greatness), haGvurah (severity), vehaTiferet (beauty)."

  • Gedulah = expansion, limitless giving
  • Gvurah = order, discipline
  • Tiferet = harmony between the two

This is the mission of the Jewish people: the Am Segulà (treasured nation) is called so because it is tasked with revealing the Torah in the concrete reality, transforming the dual reality into a harmonious unity.

The number three is more than a mathematical concept: it is the very essence of creation and the Torah. Without the third element, the world would remain in a perpetual state of conflict. That is why the Torah was given in the third month, to a triple nation, in three parts, through Moshe, the third son of Amram: because it is the key to uniting opposites and bringing harmony to the world.

The Jewish people are called to embody this mission: to be the bridge between heaven and earth, to reveal the Torah in the world, and to bring the light of redemption, transforming chaos into order, division into unity.


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