Shabbat HaChodesh and the Courage of Pesach

This week, we approach the last Shabbat of the Book of Shemot, but there is something special: it is also Shabbat HaChodesh. On this occasion, a second Sefer Torah is read, focusing on the Chodesh—the Jewish calendar.
Why is the Jewish lunar calendar so important? HaShem gave it to Am Israel even before they left Egypt: "HaChodesh haZeh Lachem Rosh Chodeshim" – "This month shall be for you the beginning of months." Until then, the people of Israel followed a calendar like other nations. But with the Exodus, they became Am Israel—the people of HaShem—with their own identity and way of life.
It is written: "Israel monim la'levanah" – the Jewish people count the months according to the moon. This is not just a technical detail; it reflects our identity and connection with HaShem. All the fundamental moments of Jewish life—birth, Bar Mitzvah, Brit Milah, and even the Hebrew birthday—are based on the lunar calendar.
Even a Jewish marriage is recorded according to the Hebrew date, not the civil one. This connection to the Jewish lunar calendar is the first mitzvah given to Am Israel, carrying a clear message: we are a distinct people, with a time and path of our own.
On this special Shabbat, we also read about the mitzvah of Korban Pesach, the Passover sacrifice that Am Israel offered in Egypt. It was an act of extraordinary courage—since the lamb was considered sacred to the Egyptians. Yet, HaShem commanded them to take a lamb, keep it for four days, and then sacrifice it. This was not merely a ritual; it was a bold declaration of faith, openly proclaiming their loyalty to HaShem without fear, even at the risk of their lives.
After this sacrifice came the plague of the firstborn—Makkat Bechorot—and the next day, the people left Egypt. During the times of the Mishkan and later the Bet HaMikdash in Jerusalem, the Korban Pesach continued to be offered. If a family was too small to consume the entire lamb, they would join with others. This unity is a defining trait of Am Israel—coming together to fulfill a mitzvah.
Today, this tradition lives on. For Pesach, it is a mitzvah to welcome those who have nowhere to go—lonely elders, students far from home, or travelers without family. The Pesach Seder is a moment of hospitality and connection, echoing the unity that has sustained Am Israel from the beginning.
Preparing for Pesach is essential. Now is the time to get ready—purchasing Matzot, ensuring everything is Kasher lePesach, and selling Chametz. Any leavened products not intended for disposal must be sealed and formally sold, including those in vacation homes or other properties.
This is a special time of year that requires care and preparation. May it be a Pesach Kasher veSameach for everyone—a time to strengthen our faith, unity, and eternal bond with HaShem.